Ulster County Home Value

Today’s Ulster County homebuyer starts their journey on the internet the majority of the time. With the formation of national sites like Redfin, Trulia, and Zillow, understanding the "true state" of the local market is more confusing than ever. These non-local services try provide intelligence by giving automatically generated property values. While these figures can provide some indications, they can never replace the true worth provided by a seasoned realtor that is local to the Ulster County area.  The big national sites use an algorithm to give an educated guess. In many cases, it can provide an estimate that is far from accurate.  To find an Ulster County home value, a realtor that is well versed on the market in the area is the best bet.…

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Ulster County Low Inventory

Home inventory may be down right now in the Hudson Valley but don’t let that stop you from searching for your dream home. To accommodate for the low inventory, you need to make a few changes to the way you shop. The methods used in a buyers’ market are very different than those used in one where the seller has just a little more control. So, here are a few things you need to do to ensure you are successful in your search.

1. Don’t Go Too Low on Your Opening Offer

Sure, you’re on a budget and want to get the house you need within those parameters. Remember, the seller has a loan to pay off and needs to get the equity from their home. Are you one of those people that like to give a low ball offer to see where the seller stands? There is a one in a…

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